In Development

Outlook on the web – option to show declined events

Update 3/17: We’ve paused development on this feature until the summer. Outlook is adding an option to allow the user to show in their calendars the events they have declined.

ID:30676    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Automapping on Mailbox Full Access

Customers can enable automapping when assigning Full Access permissions to cross-premises mailboxes in an Exchange Hybrid deployment.

ID:33006    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Automatic sensitivity labeling in Office apps on Windows

Automatic sensitivity labeling based on content inspection is built natively into Office apps (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook) on Windows (in the Office 365 subscription version of the Office apps).

ID:49444     Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Group Driven Membership

Public Description This feature will provide the ability for Group Owners to add a Security Group as a member of an Office 365 Group. The Security Group can then be used to drive membership inside an Office 365 Group, simplifying membership management scenarios where membership is already be managed within Security Groups.

ID:50002   Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2021

Project and Roadmap app in Microsoft Teams

The Project and Roadmap app in Microsoft Teams makes it easy to track, manage, and collaborate on all aspects of a team project in one place.

ID:51138   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Intune management of Surface firmware settings

Microsoft Intune is excited to introduce management of UEFI BIOS settings (device firmware on most new hardware), powered by the intelligent cloud using Device Firmware Configuration Interface (DFCI). Until now BIOS management has been proprietary per-OEM, often creating an inconsistent experience to deliver security with ease-of-deployment. With DFCI support, IT administrators gain the efficiency of cloud-scale remote firmware management with zero-touch device provisioning and built-in security. DFCI will initially apply to Surface devices, and an open-source framework will be published to enable third-party OEM partners. DFCI supports zero-touch provisioning, eliminates BIOS passwords, provides control of security settings including boot options and built-in peripherals, and lays the groundwork for advanced security scenarios in the future.

ID:51937   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2021

Outlook for Android:  Suggested people and actionable search answers

Searching for something specific about a contact will provide an actionable result such as “John’s phone number”. Searching for a specific contact will use Microsoft Search services to provide relevant results rather than keywords from information from your email and calendar.

ID:53122    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Idle session timeout for Microsoft 365 web apps

Idle session timeout feature allows IT admins to configure a tenant-wide timeout value based on which users get automatically signed out after a period of inactivity on Microsoft 365 web apps. This feature is an improvement over, and will eventually replace, current idle timeout settings in Outlook Web App (OWA) and SharePoint Online (SPO).

ID:55183    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Semantic search in Microsoft Search

With intelligent, natural language search capabilities in Microsoft Search, you will experience improved search accuracy as the search engine can now understand intent and contextualize the meaning of the terms typed – leading to more relevant search results.

ID:57063    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

New and improved Microsoft Graph connectors for Microsoft Search

Microsoft Graph connectors provide a set of out-of-the-box search connectors to allow for you to connect Microsoft Search to disparate data sources outside of Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph connectors will include the following connectors available within the Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Windows File Shares; ServiceNow, Microsoft SQL Server, Intranet websites, MediaWiki, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Salesforce and an ingestion API.

ID:57065    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Search in Bing and Edge mobile applications

With Microsoft Search in the Bing and Edge mobile applications (iOS and Android), you can now authenticate with your organizational account and search across information in Microsoft 365 and connected experiences with Microsoft Search.

ID:57069  Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: December CY2019

Microsoft Teams: Changes in Incoming IP Video policy (New Audio and Video Policies)

We are updating our meeting policies to allow IT administrators more control over how video is managed in Teams Meetings. Current policy can only be set to prevent outgoing video. We are extending the Allow IP Video policy to prevent both outgoing and incoming video as needed. Tenant administrators can use this policy to manage bandwidth.  This item has been updated to reflect changes to the original plan.

ID:57082    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Power BI: Excel data types from Power BI

Using data types in Excel, you can quickly retrieve data from featured tables in Power BI and load it in the Excel grid.  Discover available tables in Excel’s data types gallery and analyze your data in a familiar and simple way.

ID:57141    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists and SharePoint document libraries – Gallery view

Configure your lists and library items using a dynamic Gallery view – choosing how your documents and list items appear.

ID:57304    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Message Recall in Exchange Online

The Outlook for Windows Message Recall feature is extremely popular with users, yet it doesn’t always work so well. Part of the problem is that the recall is client-based, and the recall can only happen if the recipient also uses Outlook. With millions of users with mailboxes in Office 365, we’re now able to improve upon that feature by performing the recall directly in the cloud in Office 365 mailboxes, so it doesn’t matter which email client the recipient uses, the recall takes place in their Office 365 mailbox, and when their client syncs their mail, the message is gone. While there are still some conditions where the recall still won’t happen (like the message being read by the recipient), moving the recall to the cloud significantly improves the recall success rate. Additionally, we’ll now also offer an aggregate message recall status report, to make it simpler to see for whom the recall succeeded and for whom it failed.

ID:59438    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: December CY2020

Outlook on the web – Files view

Outlook on the web will release a view of all the files sent and received as attachments in your inbox. To access it, search for Files on the switcher bar that includes Mail, Calendar, People.

ID:59643   Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Update to plan for Extension of Microsoft Bing to be installed to Office 365 ProPlus customers

Recently we published a roadmap item regarding an update that allows customers to get easier access to organizational content when performing browser-based searches. Some customers were concerned with the proposed implementation and we have updated our design to address those concerns, including the choice to opt-in, exclusion of unmanaged devices, and control through a simple toggle. Thank you to our customers for sharing your feedback. For more information, see this article

ID:59917    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Outlook for Android: Actionable calendar event search answers

Searching for specific calendar results through keywords will provide answers with quick action options such as RSVP or join and online meeting.

ID:60856    Tags: OneDrive – All environmentsRelease: September CY2020

Insider Risk Management: Microsoft Teams integration

Allow for richer collaboration across an organization and identify risks

ID:61223    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Visio: While you were away and catch-up highlights

Know who edited your shared document since your last visit, and see what’s changed.

ID:61432   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Search in Windows 10

Microsoft Search will be available through the Windows 10 search box.  Microsoft Search is an enterprise search experience that increases productivity and saves time by delivering more relevant search results for your organization.

ID:62559   Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Exchange Hybrid Agent for GCC High

The Exchange Hybrid Agent enables Exchange Online to access the free/busy of on-premises mailboxes and to move mailboxes from on-premises servers to Office 365 without requiring any inbound ports or rules to be opened at the on-premises firewall.

ID:63211    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

SharePoint: Improved SharePoint page/news publishing experience

A new pre-publish panel that gives authors an overview of key information about their pages or news posts – including the site name, thumbnail, and any missing required properties – before they confirm publish. Additional improvements related required properties for pages and pages library take effect.

ID:63257    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Graph: [TEAMWORK] Post to Activity Feed API (Preview)

Send an activity feed notification

ID:63725    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists – rules – built on SharePoint

Create simple if/then rules based on changes to list information to set reminders and send notifications.

ID:64163    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists – calendar view – built on SharePoint

Visualize any list with items that use date column information in a calendar view.

ID:64167    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists – comments – built on SharePoint

Add a comment on a list or list items, including @mention capabilities to draw a person’s attention.

ID:64169    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Insider Risk Management solution available for Government clouds

The following Insider Risk Management features will be rolling out to Government clouds: Office indicators (Teams, SharePoint sites, email messaging) – Used to determine a risk score for a user; Data theft by departing users and general data leaks policies – Used to define risk activities that you want to detect and investigate; Ability to access and investigate insider risk management alerts; Ability to investigate insider risk management cases with content explorer; Ability to action on insider risk management cases with notice templates and escalate for investigation for Advanced eDiscover

ID:64187    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: October CY2020

SharePoint: Set Default Page Templates

This feature will allow site owners to set a page template as the default when a user creates a new page or news post on the site. The default template will be selected when the template picker is opened, but users can select a different template to use before they create their page

ID:64529    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft To Do: List Prediction

As you add tasks, Microsoft To Do will suggest what list, the task should go to.

ID:64659    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Search Yammer from the Communities app in Teams

Search Yammer communities and content from within the Communities app in Teams.

ID:64691    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists – new ‘Integrate’ drop-down menu – powered by SharePoint

As part of updating the command bar at the top of Microsoft Lists, we are introducing a new top-level menu item: ‘Integrate.’ This is the home for features that help extend list experiences. To start, existing command buttons for Power Apps and Power Automate will move into Integrate – as they are integrated technologies and experiences.

ID:64869    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams for RealWear

FirstLine Workers using RealWear HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 can now collaborate with a remote expert using video calling on Teams. Through a voice-controlled user interface, Teams for RealWear allows field workers to remain 100% hands-free while maintaining situational awareness in loud and hazardous environments. By showing what they see in real-time, field workers can accelerate the time to resolve issues and reduce the risk of an expensive downtime.

ID:65038   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Access: Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit Access

32-bit Access will become Large Address Aware (LAA) to address 4G of memory, rather than 2G.

ID:65406    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: October CY2020

Access: SQL Monaco Editor

Use the embedded Monaco Editor, the same editor used for Visual Studio Code, in Access.

ID:65409    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: April CY2021

Access: SQL Date & Time Extended Data Type Integration

To enhance syntax compatibility with SQL, and to increase the accuracy and level of detail in records that include dates/times, we are implementing a new “Date & Time Extended” data type into Access. This additional date & time type is directly compatible with SQL’s DateTime2 data type, and it will include a larger date range (0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31), and higher-specified time precision (nanoseconds). The current DateTime data type will continue to operate as-is.

ID:65420    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Yammer: New Live Events Insights

Improve your live events viewership. Monitor attendance, measure engagement, and recognize trends.

ID:65515    Tags: Yammer – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Yammer: New Community Insights

Manage and moderate content faster with Yammer Community Insights. Key metrics help admins and users measure engagement and find valuable insights.

ID:65591    Tags: Yammer – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: September CY2020

SharePoint: New ways to add SharePoint images

Page authors can now copy and paste images on the canvas to automatically create a new image webpart. Authors can also drag and drop or paste images on top of an existing image webpart or title region to replace the image previously in the webpart.

ID:65599    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Simplified Global Notification Settings for GCC, GCC-H and DoD

Government users can now configure and customize their notification settings through a newly designed notification settings section.

ID:65638    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Exchange: Linux and PowerShell v7.0 Support to the Exchange Online V2 PowerShell Module

Managing Exchange Online with Modern Authentication and EXO V2 module is currently restricted to Windows machine and PowerShell Version 5.1 or lower. With this change we are adding support for Linux and Windows PowerShell 7.0 or higher to the EXO V2 module.

ID:65759    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: March CY2021

Microsoft Information Protection: Exact Data Match will support data configuration

Exact Data Match will support data configuration, allowing text case and character delimiters to optionally be ignored, helping reduce the need for manually defining minor variations in the hashed and uploaded data being protected

ID:65880    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: October CY2020

OneDrive: Consolidation of OneDrive-SharePoint admin centers

All OneDrive admin capabilities, including controls for sharing, access, sync, and storage, will be available in the SharePoint admin center, consolidating admin tools in one place.

ID:65911    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Video filters

Before joining a meeting, you can use the filters to subtly adjust lighting levels and soften the focus of the camera to customize your appearance

ID:65944    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams – PowerPoint Live Presentations to Teams

PowerPoint Live Presentations can assist users in making their presentations engaging and inclusive. Everyone in the audience can navigate their view of the slides, provide instant feedback in the form of live reactions, and provide comments and rate the presentation at the end. Live Presentations are generally available on PowerPoint for the web. We plan to bring this to Teams further enabling audience engagement right from Teams.

ID:65947   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Overflow meetings

When attendees exceed the meeting attendee limit, the meeting will scale to accommodate up to 20,000 in an experience where they can watch.

ID:65952    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Room Remote for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows

Control in-room meeting devices using a new experience on the Teams mobile app. Controls include: turn mic on/off, turn camera on/off, adjust audio, leave the meeting.

ID:65960    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Yammer: Adding Ability to “Mute” Communities at Admin and User levels

Admins will be able to ‘mute’ Yammer communities so they don’t appear in the feed for non-members. Members of the of those muted communities will still see these posts in their home feed.  Users will be able to ‘mute’ Yammer communities so they don’t appear in their feed.

ID:66129    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Bookings: Updates to Staff roles

Addition of a Scheduler role and changes to roles with calendar privileges.

ID:66140    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2021

Yammer: “Embed feed” updated with new look and functionality

Using embed, you can display a single My Feed, Group Feed, Topic Feed, User Feed or OG object feed.

ID:66150    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

SharePoint: Share a page to Yammer

The ability to share a modern SharePoint Online (SPO) page to a Yammer community will be available in the page actions bar.

ID:66183   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: October CY2020

More labels in Planner

Add up to 25 labels to your tasks in Planner

ID:66193    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Outlook on the web: More options added to “Insert Link” icon

We are adding more options to the “Insert Link” icon in Outlook. In addition to adding hyperlinks you will also be able to link to additional items such as suggested files and cloud locations.

ID:66197    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: 1080p Resolution – Outgoing Video on collaboration bar

1080p resolution for outgoing video stream

ID:66350    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Raise Hands from collaboration bar

Ability to use the raise hands Teams meeting feature from the device and/or console

ID:66353    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Wired HDMI ingest for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android

Support for wired HDMI ingest for sharing from a desktop.

ID:66357   Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2020

Teams: Updated functionality for downloading participant reports in Teams meetings

Meeting organizers, especially teachers and event organizers, often need to know who joined and how many people joined their Teams meetings. With new enhancements, we’ll allow you to download the report after the meeting within the Meeting Chat. We’ve also added new data into the report that allows you to better manage your attendance.

ID:66459    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Power Apps app for Teams for GCC-High

You will now be able to make and pin apps within Teams using Power Apps in GCCH.

ID:66464    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Improvements to Threat Hunting with Threat Explorer and Real Time Detections

As part of this work, we will be introducing additional enhancements when it comes to identifying threats within your organization. This includes the following updates: Addition of spam verdict within Threat Explorer, so that going forward you will be able to identify if a particular email was Malware, Phish or Spam. Introducing Threat Type Filter for All Email View, so that you can directly go to All-Email view and filter out the malicious emails. Showing Threats in URLs to identify the verdict associated with a URL (Malware, Phish, Spam or None). Introducing Additional Actions to identify the post delivery actions like ZAP or Manual Remediation which were applied to an email. Updating delivery location to show both Original and the latest delivery location for an email. Updating Email Timeline to make it simpler, and showing more details when it comes to showing information about post delivery events like ZAP. Enabling information about Tenant/User level Overrides applied on an email which may have impacted delivery location.

ID:66467    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Yammer: Send live event calendar invites

Send a calendar event to all community members without leaving the event page in Yammer.

ID:66498    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Yammer: Moderate comments and QnA in live events

Allows a producer of a live event in Yammer to moderate comments, questions and answers posted in alive event page before they are published and visible to everyone in the event.

ID:66501   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams: View all upcoming assignments in the Teams calendar

Keep tabs on all of your student’s responsibilities and due dates by visualizing their assignments within the Teams calendar.

ID:66562    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: View assignments across all classes

Using the Assignments app from the Teams left rail, students can view all of their upcoming or previous assignments. Students can also filter by category, see the due date & assigned value of the assignment and more.

ID:66566    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Create a new OneNote page in the Assignments “New File” dialog menu

When educators are creating Assignments, or students are attaching work, it’s handy to be able to create a new file on the fly. We will be adding the ability to create a blank OneNote page that can easily be filled out, through the New File dialog.

ID:66580    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Search results page in Teams

A new search experience in Teams will make finding messages, people, answers, and files faster and more intuitive. A redesigned search results page provides better context and faster results, with AI-powered relevance based on the people and content you engage with most in Teams and other Microsoft 365 services.

ID:66583    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Custom layouts for meetings

Presenters will be able to customize how content shows up for meeting participants, including overlaying their video on content or moving their content box to a corner of the video view – allowing for a more dynamic content viewing experience where presenters can easily direct their audiences’ attention through hand gestures and facial cues, without making the viewer choose between the speaker and the content.

ID:66587    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Forms: Available in the Office Mobile App

Microsoft Forms is a web app which can be accessed from browser on desktop or mobile devices. Office Mobile app is a single mobile app (iOS / Android) combines Word, PowerPoint and Excel with exclusive features. We are now integrating Forms into Office Mobile app then user will be able to open recent Forms and create new form from the Office Mobile app.

ID:66631    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Office 365: Updated Home Page

We are updating the layout and navigation of and the Office App in Windows 10 to improve the usability based upon customer feedback.  Users will find their documents front-and-center, and will be able to access their applications within a more organized page structure.

ID:66739    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Windows native notifications in Teams

Users can now chose to deliver Microsoft Teams notifications via Windows 10 native notifications.

ID:66742    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: October CY2020

Whiteboard: External access in Teams meetings

Any guests, external or anonymous users in a Teams meeting can view and collaborate on the whiteboard during the meeting. They will not have continued access to the whiteboard after the meeting ends.

ID:66759    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Whiteboard: Migrating previously created boards

Tenants in locations that are currently storing new whiteboards in European datacenters will have previously created whiteboards migrated to European datacenters.

ID:66763    Tags: OneDrive – All environmentsRelease: December CY2020

Whiteboard: Additional facilitation features

Participants in Teams and on Web will have additional facilitation features.

ID:66766    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2021

Microsoft 365 Admin center: Microsoft Productivity Score General Availability

Transform how work gets done with Microsoft Productivity Score. It provitdes you visibility into how your organization works, insights that identify where you can enable improved experiences so people can reach their goals and actions to update skills and systems so everyone can do their best work.

ID:66866    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: Q4 CY2020

OneNote: OneNote in Teams for DoD

OneNote integration in Teams will be enabled for Department of Defense.

ID:66925    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Office 365: Office.COM UI update is being updated to include the catch-up pane. A single place for you to catch up on all activity related to content you shared, or was shared with you. (including comments, @mentions, changes and more)

ID:67088    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Compliance Center: Expanded support to search and export items in SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Recycle Bin in Core eDiscovery and Advanced eDiscovery

Traditionally, when a site is on hold, the files in the Recycle Bin would be stored in the Preservation Hold library. In cases when a site is not on hold, there is no way to search or export items in the Recycle Bin. The eDiscovery and SharePoint Online teams are making architectural changes that will make the Recycle Bin (both first-stage and second-stage Recycle Bins) in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business searchable and exportable by eDiscovery Managers. That means organizations can search and export items in the Recycle Bin regardless of whether a site is on hold or not

ID:67092    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Lists: Updated Person column experience: built on SharePoint

Items within a Person column, in and out of Quick Edit mode, will appear using the new “pill” design format when a person’s photo is displayed.  Select one or more people to add to a Person column quickly and they appear with an updated look.

ID:67095    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Forms: Print a blank Form

This new feature allows form designer to print a blank form/quiz to responder, who cannot fill the online form, to finish the form.

ID:67099    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Improving the Message Center user experience

We are enhancing filter and search to improve discovery of relevant messages.  The list view will also be more customizable and interactive, and the message detail panel will be cleaned up for a better reading experience.

ID:67102    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2020

Forms: Group Forms for GCC

When GCC customers access Group forms on the Forms portal, they will see the group Forms that they have been recently working on.

ID:67106    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Incoming video support on Safari

Teams meetings in Safari 13 and later will support incoming video.  A participant can see the video of an active speaker.  No configuration is needed.

ID:67109    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Organizational branding for line of business app catalog

IT Admins will be able to customize their Teams line-of-business (custom) app catalog using their organization’s branding. This will enhance the user experience (UX) for end users and increase organic discovery and use of an organization’s line-of-business (custom) apps.

ID:67111    Tags: Microsoft Teams – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Custom Meeting Images

Admins will now be able to add a customer logo to the Teams experience, for display in the lobby and meeting pre-join experience. The logo will be displayed for meetings where the organizer has the Advanced Comms SKU.

ID:67113    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Search: New image vertical

A new image is coming to Microsoft Search to provide better search capabilities for images in your organization. The new image vertical will initially be available for search results in SharePoint and, and will come to later.

ID:67117    Tags: Microsoft Search – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Lists: updated Yes/No column experiences – powered by SharePoint

List items with a Yes/No column, in and out of Quick Edit mode, will appear using the new experience design format – making it easier to create and more accessible to consume.

ID:67119    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Manage your meeting options in-meeting

Meetings organizers can now view and update meeting options within the in-meeting making it easier and faster to manage your meeting options during a meeting.

ID:67121    Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: End-of-meeting notifications

Microsoft Teams will automatically issue a 5-minute warning when the meeting is nearing a close – it will be triggered for all scheduled private, and channel meetings.

ID:67122    Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Information Protection: Auto-classification with sensitivity labels in SPO, EXO, OneDrive for gov clouds

Auto-classification with sensitivity labels in OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Exchange Online will soon be available in GCC, GCC-High and, DoD environments. Sensitivity labels are central to Microsoft Information Protection, enabling you to label important content to associate it with protection policies and actions like encryption and visual marking. With this release, you can start using sensitivity labels at scale for documents stored on OneDrive and SharePoint Online, and for emails in transit in Exchange Online automatically without manual user input.

ID:67125    Tags: Microsoft Information Protection – DoD, GCC, GCC High Release: October CY2020

Office 365: Cross-Tenant People Search (Limited Availability)

This feature is for customers with multiple tenants. It allows users to use People search to search across multiple tenants.

ID:67129    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Compliance Center: Microsoft Compliance Manager general availability

Compliance Manager is the next generation of the existing Compliance Manager and Compliance Score solutions, which have been in commercial public preview since November 2019. With this announcement, we are consolidating the functionality of these two solutions into one single solution, Compliance Manager, which sits in the Microsoft 365 compliance center. With Compliance Manager, you will benefit from intuitive end-to-end compliance management, a vast out-of-the-box assessment template library and built-in automation to scale your compliance across global, industrial and regional standards.

ID:67132    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: October CY2020

Outlook for Android: More information available behind Recommended

The Recommended feed on the Search landing page can be expanded to access additional company information available by scrolling vertically.

ID:70111    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2020

Windows Virtual Desktop: Enable deallocated VMs to start automatically when a user connects

Allows administrators to shutdown VMs during off-peak hours to save cost while ensuring that the VMs will start up automatically if a user tries to connect to it.

ID:70198    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: December CY2020

Yammer: Default to the New Yammer experience on web

The new default setting shows the opt-in toggle for new Yammer to all users. Global admins and Yammer Verified Network admins of existing networks can still control how your organization rolls out the new Yammer experience under the ‘New Yammer’ tab in Yammer Admin settings.

ID:70321    Tags: Yammer – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Support Scribble with iPadOS 14

Once iPadOS 14 is available and you update your OS, you can use the Apple Pencil with Outlook to Scribble in text fields such as the body of your email, keyword Search, new event scheduling. Your hand writing will be converted to text.

ID:70323    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education Release: September CY2020

Manage Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session Windows Virtual Desktop VMs with Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM)

IT Pros can manage Active Directory or hybrid Azure Active Directory joined Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session Windows Virtual Desktop VMs with Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM).

ID:70743    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Rolling Out

Outlook for Windows: Shared calendar improvements

Introducing a new service backed model for sharing calendars with other Office 365 subscribers that improves performance and reliability and keeps all calendars in sync.

ID: 26948    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2019

Open in Review mode in Word online

End users can now choose to share Word documents with the new Open in Review mode option. When enabled, recipients can only open the Word file in the Word web app with the “Reviewing” mode enabled. While in Reviewing mode, users can suggest changes (using the track changes feature) and make comments but they may not make untracked changes.

ID: 27017    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2020

SharePoint and Teams: folder in site visibly connected to channel

Now it’s easy to tell which folders within your library have an associated Teams channel & chat associated to it – right from within the SharePoint user interface.

ID: 30686    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2019

Azure Active Directory: passwordless sign-in for work or school accounts

The Microsoft Authenticator mobile app will support sign-in with your face/fingerprint or device PIN to your work accounts. You can take out the security risk of passwords and have the convenience of using a device you already own and carry with you.

ID: 33013    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: March CY2019

Microsoft Project: Custom fields at the Task level

Task custom fields enables you to add details to your tasks so you can manage your project more effectively. Fields such as numbers and dates can be created for tasks and shown in the Grid view and Task Details pane.

ID: 43296    Tags: Microsoft Project – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: September CY2020

Flow can now notify individual users within Teams

Users can now use Microsoft Flow to create flows that notify individual users within Teams

ID: 49149    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2019

Enabling Modern Auth for Managed Tenants

We’re constantly improving the security of Office 365 products and services. Modern Authentication is one of the best ways of ensuring that your clients can take advantage of authentication features like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and third-party SAML identity providers. All new Office 365 tenants created on or after August 1, 2017 have Modern Authentication enabled by default in Exchange Online for all clients. We’re making a change so that Modern Authentication will be enabled for the Windows Outlook client and Skype for Business client in all managed (non-federated) tenants that were created before to August 1, 2017. Those tenants already have Modern Authentication enabled for Outlook mobile, Outlook for Mac and Outlook on the Web, so there are no changes to any of those clients.

ID: 50005    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: March CY2020

Update to email notifications for shared content

Standardizing the email template to reflect consistency across products along with adding file previewer thumbnails and activity details .

ID: 53036    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Drag and drop files to the canvas to upload

Now if you drag and drop files to the canvas, they’ll be uploaded for you.

ID:53194    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2019

Yammer will use Office profiles

Yammer will now pull the profile fields from the Office Profile to provide a simplified and more secure identity experience across the suite.

ID:53554    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: March CY2020

Outlook on the web – Add a personal calendar

Your time includes both personal and work events, so you should be able to see both in one place. Outlook on the web will give you the option to connect a personal calendar ( or Google Calendar) to your Office 365 account. With this, you can see both kind of events in one place. Available in Targeted Released. Rolling out to Standard Release in late May.

ID:54015    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2020

Create users with templates in the Microsoft 365 admin center

We are adding support for templates in user management in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Templates allow you to quickly create many users by saving and reusing the shared settings for these users. You can save values for roles, licenses assigned, contact information, location, and more. When you use the template to create a new user, they will automatically get the saved value for these settings. Example: I have a large group of engineers starting in Redmond. I know that they will all be users with no admin role, Microsoft 365 Business, be located in the United States, be Engineer 1, be in the engineering department, and be in the Redmond office. I can save all of these values to a “Redmond engineer” template. When I go to create the users, I can use this template to prepopulate all these values. Templates will be rolling out slowly over starting in the beginning of September. We will be looking at expanding the scenarios and functionality for templates over the next few months.

ID:54434    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2019

Create users with templates in the Microsoft 365 admin center

We are adding support for templates in user management in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Templates allow you to quickly create many users by saving and reusing the shared settings for these users. You can save values for roles, licenses assigned, contact information, location, and more. When you use the template to create a new user, they will automatically get the saved value for these settings. Example: I have a large group of engineers starting in Redmond. I know that they will all be users with no admin role, Microsoft 365 Business, be located in the United States, be Engineer 1, be in the engineering department, and be in the Redmond office. I can save all of these values to a “Redmond engineer” template. When I go to create the users, I can use this template to prepopulate all these values. Templates will be rolling out slowly over starting in the beginning of September. We will be looking at expanding the scenarios and functionality for templates over the next few months.

ID:54634    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2019

Excel: Natural Language Queries in Ideas in Excel for Mac

Ask a question of your data using natural language query in Ideas in Excel for the web. Ideas will populate with formulas, charts, or PivotTables that help you glean insights from your data.

ID:54634    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: December CY2019

Add to OneDrive

Add to OneDrive is the capability for customers to add shared folders alongside their own content which means that, instead of finding shared content based on who shared it and how someone shared it with them, users will be able to access the files they care about directly within their OneDrive.

ID:56384    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Introducing Safe Documents

Safe Documents is now available in public preview, rolled out by Feb 28th. Instead of prompting users to exit Protected View, Safe Documents automatically checks untrusted Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files against Office ATP and Windows Defender Antivirus before allowing the files to open. This feature brings the power of the Intelligent Security Graph to the desktop, enabling users to focus on their work rather than balancing security against productivity. More info is available here:

ID:56993    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: March CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Walkie Talkie Android GA

Walkie Talkie is a push-to-talk experience that enables clear, instant and secure voice communication over the cloud, turning employee- or company-owned Android smartphones and tablets into a walkie-talkie.  This native built-in app in Teams reduces the number of devices employees must carry and helps lower costs for IT. Customers who currently use analog radio devices would no longer need to worry about static, crosstalk or eavesdropping from outsiders nor the limited range of radio as Walkie Talkie works over WIFI or cellular data. And for Firstline teams not yet enabled with a push-to-talk experience, Walkie Talkie in Teams enables instant team communication with pre-configured channels set to have the right conversation with the right people.

ID:57157   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Cortana Briefing email

Cortana Briefing email helps users be better prepared for their meetings, stay on top of their tasks and protect time for independent work.

ID:57204    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: August CY2020

Teams-Outlook Email Integrations

Teams-Outlook Email Integrations make it easy to share information between email and chat with three new features: Share email to Teams – Share an email from Outlook, including any attachments, to a channel or chat in Teams. Share conversation via email – Share a Teams conversation via email without leaving the app. Reply to missed activity emails – See the latest messages and respond to Teams missed activity emails from within Outlook.

ID:57389    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: March CY2020

Microsoft Teams – New location for New Chat button, Recent, and Contacts tabs in Chat app

We’re changing the location of New Chat button, and moving the Contacts and Recent view options to a drop down in the Chat list header, as opposed to standalone tabs. The New Chat button will now be located at the top of the chats list.

ID:58033    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: March CY2020

Records Management: Proof of disposal

Customers will be able to access the list of records disposed in their tenant after they have been deleted.

ID:59217    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: June CY2020

Single Sign On with Office

The OneDrive sync client now shares credentials between the rest of the Office suite on macOS. Accounts that have been signed into Office will be a selectable option in OneDrive when adding a new account, allowing a user to setup without prompting for password and credentials. Similarly, accounts that have been signed into OneDrive will be available in the Office applications to sign in with.

ID:59235   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Updates to and Office 365 App Launcher

There are two changes coming for and the Office 365 App Launcher: 1. and the Office 365 app launcher will show the same set of apps. Recently used apps will now be pinned for users on both. Users have the ability to unpin any app that have been pinned automatically from recent usage or manually by an admin or user. 2. Admins will have the ability to pin applications to and the Office 365 app launcher through the Azure Active Directory admin portal. Global admin, Application admin and Cloud application admin roles can be used to pin apps for users.

ID:59667    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: July CY2020

Microsoft Search: Acronyms answers are rolling out to Microsoft Search

Did you know that 2-3% of search queries entered by employees are related to acronyms? The new Acronyms feature in Microsoft Search helps you navigate your company’s often-confusing alphabet soup. I Now when you come across an acronym you may not recognize, a simple search on Bing will reveal common definitions from public sources—and your organization’s unique definitions with Microsoft Search.

ID:60604    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Block unmanaged data in emails and calendar events

Support for the Microsoft Intune app protection policy that blocks file attachments and switching from personal to work accounts in new emails or calendar events with attachments from unmanaged apps.

ID:61130    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2020

Forms: Quick Poll add-in pre-install in Outlook

Outlook for Mac and Outlook on the web users will get the Forms Quick Poll add-in installed by default, if users have already installed the add-in, they will need to uninstall it to see the new add-in.

ID:61203   Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Excel: Office Scripts for task and workflow automation in Excel

In January, we released Office Scripts, a feature that enables users to automate their repetitive tasks in Excel Online, for public preview. The feature will now be available by default to all M365 Enterprise, Business, and EDU SKUs that have access to the O365 desktop apps.

ID:61687    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Store settings in the cloud

A new option found under General Cloud storage options that allows users to choose if they would like to store their Outlook settings in the cloud. This will enable a number of capabilities such as Privacy Settings and Focus Inbox to be consistent if they use Outlook on multiple computers and eventually Outlook on the web and mobile.

ID:63037    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: August CY2020

Updates to recipient experience for “specific people” links

We are updating the recipient experience for “specific people” links to make it more streamlined for people in your organization. When users in your organization receive a “specific people” link to files or folders on OneDrive or SharePoint they will no longer see a page telling them to click “Next” to sign in

ID:63220    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Android On-Demand Chat Translation

Inline message translation will ensure that every worker in the team has a voice and facilitate global collaboration. With a simple click, people who speak different languages can fluidly communicate with one another by translating posts in channels and chat.  This feature will now be available on Android.

ID:63226    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Planner: Sync Message Center posts to Planner

Microsoft is introducing Planner integration for the Message Center to help with workflow management. Lots of information arrives in the Message Center, and you need to decide whether to act on it or not. And if an action is needed, who performs that action, and how do you track that task to completion? Or maybe you want to make a note of something and tag it for later. You can do all of this and more when you sync your Message Center to Microsoft Planner.

ID:63317    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Word: New Feature – Designer in Word for Word for the web

Designer in Word for the web helps you make your document look and feel consistent by understanding different document constructs and intents. In addition, by providing a variety of document styles you can quickly change the look and feel of your document.

ID:63455    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: September CY2020

Yammer: Updates to Live Events

We’re releasing several updates to Yammer Live Events. These updates include: Email for producers and presenters, sent as soon as the Yammer event is created. Yammer Event tab on mobile. Improvements to how portrait images and videos appear on mobile and web.

ID:63633   Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Graph: [DevEx] Python Core SDK (Preview)

Python Core SDK to support Microsoft Graph CLI

ID:63741    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2020

Power BI: PivotTables from Power BI Datasets

You can create PivotTables in Excel that are connected to datasets stored in Power BI with a few clicks. Doing this allows you get the best of both PivotTables and Power BI. Calculate, summarize, and analyze your data with PivotTables from your secure Power BI datasets.

ID:63806    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: June CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Message Encryption: Email revocation by end user

As part of Office 365 Advance Message Encryption, we are extending the email revocation capabilities to the end user. Previously, you had to be an admin to revoke an already sent message; with this update, end users will have this capability as well.

ID:63992    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: July CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Contextual Search

Find information faster with contextual search in Microsoft Teams. Users will now have the ability to search for content in a specific channel or chat by pressing CTRL + F. Search results will only contain messages and files found in the selected chat or channel.

ID:64017    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: August CY2020

Microsoft Teams: [Teams Mobile Clients] Organization allowed accounts configuration for Teams

Teams for iOS and Android now provides Teams administrators with the ability to push allowed account configurations to Teams. These configurations will work with any mobile device management provider that uses managed app configuration channels (for iOS) and the Android enterprise channel (for Android). The devices must be managed for this allowed account configuration to work.

ID:64143    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: June CY2020

SharePoint lists and libraries – Save a view in Quick Edit

People can save their view in Quick Edit for any list or document lib in SharePoint for Microsoft 365. When a person saves a view in Quick Edit, the list or library will always render in quick edit for easy inline editing.

ID:64229    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: July CY2020

Microsoft Translation is coming to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in GCC-High

M365 Intelligent Translation in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will soon be enabled for GCC-High customers. This will allow users to translate text in their documents, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint slides into any of the languages supported by Microsoft Translator on Win32 Desktop versions.

ID:64616    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: August CY2020

Microsoft Information Protection: Double Key Encryption

Currently available in preview to Commercial tenants, Double Key Encryption from Microsoft allows you to protect your highly sensitive data while maintaining full control of your key. You can protect your data with two keys – your Azure key and your key in the Double Key Encryption service.

ID:64646 Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: October CY2020

SharePoint lists and libraries – Fixed row height in Quick Edit

When in Quick Edit, you will see a new layout option “Fixed Height” within the view drop-down menu. This layout will adjust the height of all rows in the list or library to the same height to optimize the vertical spacing.

ID:64867    Tags: SharePoint – DoD, GCC High, Germany, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC   Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Mail Latency Summary Report

We’re adding a report that will show the time it takes for messages to traverse the full filtering stack, including detonations.

ID:64908    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Office 365 Security & Compliance Alerts

We are adding new capabilities to the Office 365 Security & Compliance alerting feature, focusing on enriching the existing alerts and extending operation coverage in the Office 365 Management API. In the Office 365 Management API, we are enriching an existing set of SOC focused alerts with additional details of the impacted entities (e.x. email, file and Url) in each alert. Additionally, adding a new operation to appropriately encapsulate the AlertStatus changes in the API operations.

ID:65344   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: August CY2020

Outlook on the web – book a physical workspace

You will be able to use your Calendar in Outlook to reserve a physical workspace at your office location in  a way similar to conference room booking.

ID:65646    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: July CY2020

Microsoft Teams: NDI for Teams

NDI for Microsoft Teams converts a meeting participant’s video into a discrete source that can be used in the production tools for professional broadcasts.

ID:66009    Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)Release: September CY2020

SharePoint: Caching SharePoint Online Videos on Azure Content Delivery Network to improve video playback and reliability

Introducing Content Delivery Network (CDN) support for videos stored in SharePoint and OneDrive videos to improve video streaming performance and the overall user experience. Videos will be streamed from the CDN closest to the user to optimize the user experience.

ID:66065    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Security and Compliance Center: Advanced Audit available in GCC, GCC-High and DoD

The new Advanced Audit solution will be available to the Microsoft 365 Government cloud environments (GCC, GCC High, DoD).

ID:66202    Tags: Security and Compliance center – DoD, GCC High, GCC  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.86: Group policy to enable Microsoft Edge UI to test sites in Internet Explorer mode

Starting with Microsoft Edge 86, administrators can enable a UI option for their users to load a tab in Internet Explorer mode for testing purposes or as a stopgap for users until sites are added to the site list XML through group policy.

ID:66333   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Enabling export of security reports

We’re adding the ability to export many of our security reports, including, but not limited to: Threat protection status report, mail flow status report, top malware, spoof detections, top senders and recipients, Office 365 ATP file types, URL protection report, and more.

ID:66360    Tags: Security and Compliance center, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, GCC High, Germany   Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Thread Protection: Quarantine filtering

Admins will soon be able to filter the quarantine by policy type or policy name, showing just the items quarantined by each policy.

ID:66361    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: July CY2020

Visio: Copy diagrams across Visio files in Visio for the web and Microsoft Teams

Copy your shapes and diagrams across Visio files opened in Visio for the web or Microsoft Teams to extend, merge, or modify the diagram, and to create new ones.

ID:67116    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Forms: Progress Bar for multipage Forms and Quizzes

Microsoft Forms now provides a setting on multi-page (multi-section) Forms/Quizzes which, when enabled, will show responders a progress bar. The progress bar is a visual indicator telling the responder how far they are through the survey, eg “Page 1 of 3”. Note: this feature is off by default on new forms and quizzes. Form owner should choose to enable this setting if they want to use it. However, forms/quizzes already existing at rollout time will have the progress bar setting checked. This Progress bar feature still is only shown on multi-page forms, and can be easily disabled by the Form owner in the settings pane for that form/quiz.

ID:67120    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020

Visio: Self-service purchase capabilities for Visio

Microsoft is enabling individuals and teams to purchase some Microsoft Visio product directly with their business domain. Self-service purchasing capabilities will allow individuals worldwide (excluding India) to acquire a subscription for Visio Plan 1 and Visio Plan 2. Self-service purchase capabilities are not available for customers who are eligible for Government or Education offers.

ID:67124    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Lists: ‘Quick Edit’ is becoming “Edit in grid view”

When you want to bulk edit lists items in a list, you would click the ‘Quick edit’ button in the top action bar. We are renaming this button to read. “Edit in grid view.” It will bring you to the same experience to quickly update list items in bulk within the existing grid view.

ID:67136    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Outlook for iOS: SharePoint News and recorded Teams Meetings

Your company Discover feed (soon to be renamed Recommended Roadmap ID 67557) will include SharePoint news and access to recently recorded Teams online meetings that are relevant to you.

ID:67560    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Advanced Audit: optional 10 year audit log retention add-on

To help meet rigorous regulatory and internal compliance obligations or conduct longer running investigations, organizations can now add 10-year audit log retention to Advanced Audit. Once enabled, you can access the logs in the Microsoft 365 compliance center or through the Office 365 Management Activity API. The events will also soon be accessible across Microsoft 365 compliance solutions. 10-year audit lot retention is generally available and E5 customers can try the feature today for a limited time at no additional cost. An add-on will be required from early 2021 to access this capability

ID:68805    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.86: Add custom image to the NTP, and control ability via GPO

Beginning with Microsoft Edge v.86 the New Tab Page has an option to replace the default image with a custom user supplied image. The ability to control this feature using group policy has also been added.

ID:69100    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: September CY2020


Visio: Visio as a tab in Microsoft Teams

To make collaborating on Visio diagrams within Teams an even better experience, Visio as a tab helps you easily access and manage the Visio files you need or interact with the most. Visio tabs in Teams allow team members to access services and content in a dedicated space within a channel or in a chat. This lets the team work directly with tools and data, and have conversations about the tools and data, all within the context of that channel or chat.

ID: 20886   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Released: June CY2020

Screen recording and editing in Microsoft Stream

Quickly create videos using Microsoft Stream! Quickly create screen recordings by capturing your screen, mic, or webcam, applying light edits, and uploading directly into Stream.

ID: 25687   Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Service Encryption for Exchange Online

Office 365 offers an added layer of encryption at the application level for customer content in Office 365, including SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. We are now rolling out Service Encryption for Exchange Online.

ID: 31171   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2019

Customize search results for your organization

Support for custom results pages and web parts in Microsoft Search allows you to create a new custom search results page in SharePoint. It also allows you to use web parts, developed using SharePoint Framework, to extend search queries.

ID: 32728    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2020

SharePoint sites: audience targeting in site navigation

Increase the value and engagement of your site navigation by filtering the items within the navigation menu based on people and groups. This applied to communication sites and hub sites in Office 365.

ID: 34251   Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Search General Availability

Microsoft Search is a new enterprise search experience that increases productivity and saves time by delivering more relevant search results. As part of this rollout we’ll bring Microsoft Search to SharePoint,, and with a unified search experience for People, Bookmarks, Groups, Locations and more. Search will also become more prominent across Microsoft 365 experiences with the search box moving to a consistent location at the top of Office apps like Word, PowerPoint and Excel as well as productivity apps such as OneDrive and Outlook.

ID: 34273    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: July CY2020

New templates for Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) now available in Visio for the web

With the introduction of ER diagrams to Visio for the web, you can now visually show how different entities relate to one another within a system. With this release, we’re also bringing in support for the requested Crow’s Foot and Chen’s Notation.

ID: 43628    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2020

New connection experience in Visio for the web

Visio Plan 1 and Plan 2 users can now create connectors from any point on a diagram shape to any desired point on the same shape or another shape—and create multiple parallel connectors from a shape’s edge. With an intuitive interface, users can move the connection point on a shape to allow better alignment of connectors and also create as many connection points on a shape as needed.

ID: 43873    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: March CY2020

SharePoint: Enable modern communication site experience on classic sites

Using PowerShell, admins can now enable the modern communication site experience on any classic team site, including the root site.

ID: 46338    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: July CY2020

SharePoint – OneDrive – Teams – file upload limit up to 100GB

As requirements grow, so, too, must the content service that you depend on for your day to day content and files use. We are increasing the file upload limit in Office 365 to 100GB (up from 15GB). That means you can bring bigger files into SharePoint document libraries, OneDrive and Teams files – all based on the same, robust content store.

ID: 49368   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2020

SharePoint: Multilingual page publishing for Modern SharePoint

Customers can now create, publish and consume modern SharePoint pages/news in multiple languages.

ID: 50217   Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Cloud App Security: Integrate with Azure Sentinel to define custom retention times for your discovery data

Microsoft Cloud App Security has a strict data retention policy and only keeps Cloud Discovery data for 90 days. By integrating with Azure Sentinel, organizations can now leverage their Discovery data within Azure Sentinel to define custom, longer retention times. This gives admins more flexibility to run queries and visualize data over time directly within Azure Sentinel. This is a public preview.

ID:50224    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2019

Microsoft Teams – Private channels

Limit which team members can see the conversation and content within a particular channel. You can right-size channel participation and exposure without having to create discrete teams to limit visibility.

ID:50588    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: December CY2019

The Office mobile apps will be available for Office 365 F1/G1 for US government customers

Office 365 administrators for customers with Office 365 F1/G1 in GCC, GCC High, and DoD clouds are being notified that the Office mobile apps was launched for all eligible customers.

ID:50731    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2019

Microsoft Intune certificate delivery for S/MIME encryption in Outlook for Android

Microsoft Intune support for delivery of S/MIME signing and encryption certificates to Android devices for secure mobile email. S/MIME for Microsoft Outlook on Android can be configured and enabled using Microsoft Intune app configuration. Customers will be able use S/MIME with Outlook mobile on Android to support email authenticity (signing) and data protection (encryption). Please visit product documents for the latest information

ID:51176    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: June CY2020

SharePoint: Move SharePoint sites to a new location

Beginning in late 2019 SharePoint Online administrators will be able to leverage the new invoke-spositeswap Windows PowerShell cmdlet to move SharePoint sites between locations within an Office 365 tenant. This feature will allow administrations to move a site to the location of an existing site. For example, move a modern site to become the root site at [tenant]

ID:51259    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2019

Teams Education – Gradebook

Now teachers can view and grade all assignments for a class directly from the channel Assignments tab. The new gradebook is a straightforward way to organize and track each class’ assignments. In addition, the gradebook enables teachers to see a single student’s progress across all their assignments.

ID:51723    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Outlook for Android: Support for POP3 accounts

Easily add a POP3 account to Outlook for Android.

ID:53293    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2019

Outlook for Android: Top results

The best 3 results from your keyword search is presented on the top of Search in Outlook in addition to results in chronological order.

ID:53299    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2020

Outlook for Android: Delegate permissions

Delegates can access and manage messages within an owner’s inbox folder.

ID:53667    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Accept a new proposed time to meet

Respond to a proposed new time to meet.

ID:53996    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2019

Microsoft Teams – Phone System for GCC High and DoD

Phone System enables call control and PBX capabilities in the Office 365 cloud for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft is now enabling this environment for Microsoft 365 GCC High and DoD.

ID:54207    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: December CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Move messages to suggested folders

Effortlessly move emails to folders using Outlook folder suggestions

ID:54449    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Time-zone support

You can schedule events and meetings with co-workers in a different time-zone.

ID:54450    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Suggested replies

Simply select from one of a few suggested responses to common email messages.

ID:54806    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education   Release: March CY2020

Excel on Mac: XLOOKUP and XMATCH

XLOOKUP and XMATCH are successors to the iconic VLOOKUP and MATCH functions.

ID:54952    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2019

Safe Links for Office Online

Safe Links in Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection has been protecting your links in Office clients on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Now, we are extending this protection to Office Online. When a user clicks a link in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote in Office Online, Advanced Threat Protection will inspect the link to see if it is malicious. If the link is malicious, the user will be redirected to a warning page instead of the original target URL. This new capability further integrates and expands security across Office 365. In addition, we are simplifying the policy setup for Safe Links for Office that will combine the configuration for both Office Clients and Office Online into one setting. This feature will be ON by default.

ID:55394    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Visio: Improvements to Visio for the web when working on multiple pages

Multi-page operations is easier in Visio for the web. You can now drag pages and position them anywhere in your file. There is also a page navigation list, which will give you an one-shot view of all the pages in the current file and can be used to navigate non-sequentially through the pages.  Also, you can create a copy of any existing page or insert a blank page anywhere in your file.

ID:55725    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: July CY2020

Combining Services & add-ins, Security & privacy, and Organization profile on a single page in Microsoft 365 admin center

We’re combining the Services & add-ins or Apps, Security & privacy, and Organization profile pages under a single page in the admin center to simplify settings management. You’ll be able to search and manage all of your settings in a single page.

ID:56352    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Phone System Administration Enhancements

As part of our ongoing process to bring additional workloads to the Microsoft Teams admin center, the following new or improved features will be available: Microsoft Calling Plan customers will be able to search, acquire, and assign phone numbers to end-users. Admins will also be able to create and assign emergency addresses for those end-users. Additionally, customers will be able to create / test / manage custom dial plans, configure Dynamic Emergency Calling, and use improved configuration for Auto Attendants and Call Queues.

ID:56786    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Processed audit insights in Advanced Audit

Insights and correlations that signal key patterns to help identify quick answers to typical queries during investigations

ID:56792    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2020

High Bandwidth Access to Audit Logs

High bandwidth allowances in the audit API to ease limits associated with throttling during log ingestion and enable fast access to audit events

ID:56793    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education   Release: December CY2019

Outlook for iOS:  Natural language Search

Outlook will support Microsoft Search that recognizes search queries using language you use every day to filter and narrow search results through either typing or speaking via a new microphone option in the search bar.

ID:56821    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Messaging extensions

We have a new set of messaging extensions coming to Teams. Two new types of messaging extensions – Checklists and Polls- will help you and your team to digitize and streamline daily business processes and get instant feedback to shared items or questions. You will be able to easily access these by clicking on ‘…’ at the bottom of the compose box in a chat or channel.

ID:57022    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Sensitivity Labels

Regulate who can access teams in your organization. Sensitivity labels created in the security and compliance admin center can now be used to control the privacy and guest access settings of the team. Users can select the appropriate label when creating a new team.

ID:57275    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2020

SharePoint admin – Modern term store

Use the updated term store to create and manage terms and term sets in SharePoint to enter data consistently. The new experience, within the SharePoint admin center, makes it easier to manage your company’s taxonomy and content types.

ID:57315    Tags: Use the updated term store to create and manage terms and term sets in SharePoint to enter data consistently. The new experience, within the SharePoint admin center, makes it easier to manage your company’s taxonomy and content types.   Release: June CY2020

OneNote integration in Teams

Users will see the ability to add a OneNote notebook tab to their Teams channels.

ID:57708    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Administrator notification of Outlook incidents

Microsoft 365 tenant administrators will be notified about Outlook incidents affecting their users with a new Outlook for Windows right side panel notification.

ID:58085    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: June CY2020

Outlook for Android: Edge integration

Web links will bring an Edge browser experience into Outlook so users can stay in context of what they’re doing when reading or referring

ID:58136    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: August CY2020

Outlook for Android: Discover relevant files in Search

In Search, find a feed of Office 365 files that are connected to you based on ongoing collaboration activity within your company.

ID:58733    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Office 365 Message Encryption: updates to enhance authenticity of OME emails

We are rolling out a series of updates to Office 365 Message Encryption aimed at creating a more authentic OME email experience. The capabilities rolled out in this update include the following: OME customers using the branding template will be able to send OME emails with updated email layout, reflecting their organization’s brand. OME customers will be able to upload their organization’s privacy documentation to the OME emails.

ID:59001    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2020

Yammer: Improved Network Branding

This feature is leaving Preview as part of the New Yammer. Please see Roadmap Item 65410 for more details. The new Yammer homepage inherits the Office 365 suite navigation and allows network admins to upload a company logo that will be displayed on the web and in the mobile apps.

ID:59281    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: September CY2020

Pin your favorite communities in Yammer

This feature will soon be leaving Preview as part of the New Yammer. Please see Roadmap Item 65410 for more details.  Pin your favorite Yammer communities to the left navigation bar for fast access.

ID:59346    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Outlook for Android: S/MIME with automated certificate delivery

Sign or encrypt messages in Outlook for Android with company certificates via mobile device management, enrolled devices.

ID:59644    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: June CY2020

Word: Transcription in Word for the Web

Whether you are a researcher, reporter, lawyer, teacher or anyone else who records and transcribes audio, you know how much time and effort it takes. Transcription in Word for the web enables you to easily record audio and transcribe directly in Word for the web. Transcription allows you to playback timestamped audio and you can quickly pull the whole transcript or specific quotes into your Word document.

ID:59747    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: August CY2020

Outlook for Android: Privacy controls

Outlook for Android will follow the same privacy controls for the level of diagnostic and related data that Office sends to Microsoft established in other Office 365 apps.

ID:60109    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2020

Per site sharing links can now default to People with Existing Access Links

Prior to this change, SharePoint and OneDrive Administrators had the ability to set the default sharing link on a per-site basis and they could choose either “Anyone”, “People in my organization” or “Specific People”. We are now introducing support to set the default sharing link to “People with Existing Access”. Once set, users who click on the Share button or Copy Link will, by default, get an Existing Access link that does not change the permissions on the item. Additional link types are still available in Link Settings if needed

ID:60335    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2020

Legal Hold for Teams Private Channels messages

Legal Hold for Teams will now support Private Channel Messages. There is no action required to enable Legal Hold for Teams Private Channels. To learn more about how to apply a legal hold for private channels, see this article:

ID:60434    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: March CY2020

URL Threat Protection report and Compromised Users report

We’re adding two new reports to the Security & Compliance center. The URL Threat Protection report will be a new report that covers linked threats detected inside email, Office apps and Teams. This report will be based on per URL click, as opposed to a traditional report where it’s usually based on per email message. The Compromised Users report will be a new report that shows the state of any suspicious or restricted user accounts, to give the admin visibility of any account compromise that might have happened inside the tenant.”

ID:60486    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

Faster & More Reliable Exchange PowerShell Cmdlets

The New Exchange Online Management cmdlets are significantly more reliable and much faster than those previously available. These new cmdlets are available today from the PowerShell Gallery website.

ID:60528    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: June CY2020

Additional Power Automate triggers for Microsoft Teams

Streamline routine tasks in Microsoft Teams with two new Power Automate triggers. Trigger actions when a new teammate joins – whether that’s creating a welcome message or sharing onboarding materials. Users will also be able to create custom message actions with the “for a selected message” trigger. Users can build flows directly in Teams using these new triggers, even if they trigger actions outside of Teams.

ID:60618    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: June CY2020

Outlook on the web – new Tasks experience update

Users have had the chance to try the new Tasks experience in Outlook on the web by opting in switching a toggle. We are now getting ready to make the new Tasks experience the default and only experience in Outlook on the web. With this change, users will no longer be able to see the classic view of Tasks.

ID:60704    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: March CY2020

Updated Feature: Microsoft 365 usage reports will add access for more administrator roles

Microsoft 365 usage reports will add access for the following administrator roles: – Teams Service Administrator – Teams Communications Administrator After it, the following user roles can have the access to Microsoft 365 usage report via Microsoft 365 admin center, Power BI Microsoft 365 usage analytics, and Microsoft Graph API: – Global Administrator – Exchange Administrator – SharePoint Administrator – Skype for Business Administrator – Teams Service Administrator – Teams Communications Administrator – Global Reader – Reports Reader

ID:60861    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: March CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Channel Cross Posting (Editing)

Channel cross posting now supports editing a message after it has been posted. Additionally, you can add or remove channels to reach a wider audience or have a focused conversation

ID:60946    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

SharePoint: lists from Excel

Easily bring in data for your SharePoint list starting by importing an Excel spreadsheet. You choose the columns and structure, and then click import. SharePoint then creates a new list with all the data and structure from Excel.

ID:61013    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: June CY2020

SharePoint – edit metadata from within the Document Library and List View web parts

Now you will be able to edit the metadata properties on items displayed in a library or a list from within the corresponding web parts: the Document Library and List View web parts. This means you don’t need to go to the list or library itself, rather you can work right there from the web part(s) in the context of the SharePoint page where the web part was added.

ID:61030    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: March CY2020

Interactive Yammer Emails in Outlook on the Web

Participate in Yammer conversations without leaving your Outlook on the Web inbox. Now, the Yammer email notifications render an interactive Yammer thread, so you can get the full context of the discussion and take action such as liking, replying or voting on polls right from Outlook Web App.

ID:61055    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Communication Compliance now supports more granular permissions

We are introducing new Communication Compliance roles to help you better manage roles & responsibilities across the different solution stakeholders (IT, legal, compliance, etc.).

ID:61068    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: September CY2020

Excel: Tasks in Excel

Create and assign tasks to collaborators in an Excel workbook to track ownership and get work done

ID:61111    Tags: Excel – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: June CY2020

Updates to sharing page in Admin center

We are bringing the admin sharing settings from the classic sharing page to the modern sharing page. This will make it easier to set up and configure external sharing for OneDrive and SharePoint. Key settings include the ability to configure who is allowed to share externally as well as the default link permissions for your organization.

ID:61116    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: March CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Meeting Insights on the Search page

A new carousel on the Search home page will include quick access to with files and conversation threads that are relevant to the meetings on your calendar for the coming week (Meeting Insights)

ID:61149    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Bulk policy assignment

Policies allow administrators to efficiently control the Teams features available to their users, now administrators can apply policies in a batch for up to 50K users.

ID:61185    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: August CY2020

Pin Microsoft Teams apps in more places

Administrators can now pin Apps more broadly across Microsoft Teams, including the expanded Apps area of the Microsoft Teams App Bar. This makes featuring the right apps for your organization more discoverable by users.

ID:61332    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: March CY2020

SharePoint: Company branding now supported on SharePoint Mobile App

Configure company branding in O365 admin center and receive a co-branded experience on the SharePoint iOS and Android Apps. Please ensure an SVG logo is uploaded in the admin center for it to appear on the Mobile App. Logos of other format will not be supported on the App.

ID:61374    Tags: OneDrive – All environments Release: March CY2020

Outlook for iOS: week numbers

The week numbers across the 52 week calendar year will appear in 3 day and 7 day (landscape) views of your Calendar.  Week numbers on the monthly calendar view will be supported in a future release.

ID:61412    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: June CY2020

Microsoft Teams usage reporting for GCC High tenants

The Microsoft Teams user activity and device usage reports helps you understand Teams activity and what platforms it is being used on in your tenant. This will be added to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center for GCC High tenants.

ID:62327    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments Release: June CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Support Scribble with iPadOS 14

Once iPadOS 14 is available and you update your OS, you can use the Apple Pencil with Outlook to Scribble in text fields such as the body of your email, keyword Search, new event scheduling. Your hand writing will be converted to text.

ID:70323    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education   Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Delegate device management admin role in Teams Admin Center

The device admin role  can only view and manage the devices section in Teams Admin Center. This will allow Global Admins to restrict and control the permission of managing other Teams Admin Functions.

ID:68756    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: PowerPoint File Sharing in GCC

PowerPoint File Sharing allows you to share a PowerPoint file within a Teams Meeting without having to use Desktop or Window sharing.

ID:68756    Tags: GCC Release: March CY2020

Microsoft Teams: GradeSync to OneRoster API

With this API, grades entered in Assignments can be automatically pushed to a OneRoster-compliant school information system (SIS).

ID:66576    Tags: SharePoint – Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, Germany, GCC High, All environments   Release: August CY2020


Microsoft Stream: Public APIs

(This item is being removed, as it is redundant with Microsoft Stream’s new capabilities.) Enable basic programmatic capabilities (upload, edit, fetch, display) for Microsoft Stream via APIs.

ID:25197    Tags: OneDrive – All environments  Release: December CY2020

Outlook for iOS: See Outlook calendar details with watchOS 7

(This feature is a duplicate of 68293 and will be removed from the roadmap.) See what’s on your calendar tomorrow and at a glance know if you’re marked as free or busy.

ID:68291    Tags: OneDrive – All environments   Release: October CY2020