Play of the Week

Meeting organizers, especially teachers and event organizers, often need to know who joined and how many people joined their Teams meetings. With new enhancements, we’ll allow you to download the report after the meeting within the Meeting Chat. We’ve also added new data into the report that allows you to better manage your attendance.

In Development

Android On-Demand Chat Translation

Inline message translation will ensure that every worker in the team has a voice and facilitate global collaboration. With a simple click, people who speak different languages can fluidly communicate with one another by translating posts in channels and chat. This feature will now be available on Android.

ID:63226   Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: November CY2020

OneDrive: Office offline edit support in iOS

If you download an Office file for offline use, you’ll be able to open it in WXP or Office app and edit it, all while offline

ID:66191    Tags: OneDrive – DoD, GCC High, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: October CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Suggested calendar events

By clicking in the Search box at the top of your screen, events from your Outlook Calendar will be suggested as optional results before you enter a specific query.

ID:68184   Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education, DoD, GCC High   Release: December CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Suggested attachments in Search

By clicking in the Search box at the top of your screen, attachments from emails will be suggested as options before you enter a specific query.

ID:68198   Tags: Outlook – GCC High, DoD, Education, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: November CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Natural language Search in Outlook

Use the language you use every day to quickly filter and narrow your search queries.

ID:68219   Tags: Outlook – DoD, GCC High, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education Release: December CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Search answers for specific people, files, company bookmarks and events

Search for a specific file, person, company topic or event and Outlook will provide an actionable answer across people, files, events and websites across your organization so you can quick get to the information you’re looking for.

ID:68220    Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: January CY2021

Outlook for Windows: suggested files

By clicking in the Search box at the top of your screen, recent and relevant files will be suggested as optional results before you enter a specific query.

ID:68225    Tags: Outlook – GCC High, DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education Release: January CY2021

Microsoft 365 Admin center: Service Health email notifications for specific incidents and advisories

The service health dashboard in Microsoft 365 admin center will soon support the ability to opt into email notifications for a specific incident or advisory.

ID:68717    Tags: Microsoft 365 Admin Center – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Graph: Office 365 Service Communications API availability in Microsoft Graph

The Office 365 Service Communications API will soon be made available through Graph.

ID:68720  Tags: Microsoft Graph – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: March CY2021

Microsoft Teams: Theme and icon updates

We’re updating the Teams default and dark theme background colors and icon set to align with the overall Microsoft 365 design vision.

ID:68721   Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: November CY2020

Microsoft 365 Admin Center: New simplified view for very small businesses

We are developing a new landing experience in the Microsoft 365 admin center that replaces the existing dashboard and provides a simplified admin experience for customers with 10 or fewer licenses of any Microsoft 365 Business subscription.

ID:68722    Tags: Microsoft 365 Admin Center – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: December CY2020

Outlook: Outlook on the web – Text predictions in English now supported worldwide

We are extending support for text predictions in Outlook on the web. Now text predictions will be available in English for customers worldwide.

ID:68833    Tags: Outlook, Exchange – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education  Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Updated layout for meetings on iOS

We’re improving the Teams experience on iOS devices with a new presentation mode, the ability to see more participants, and the ability to see shared content and a spotlighted participant concurrently.

ID:68834  Tags: Microsoft Teams – Education, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC High, DoD Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Updated layouts for meetings on Android

We’re improving the Teams experience on Android devices with a new presentation mode, the ability to see more participants, and the ability to see shared content and a spotlighted participant concurrently.

ID:68835   Tags: Microsoft Teams – DoD, GCC High, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education  Release: January CY2021

Microsoft Teams: Per-Meeting settings for Controlling NDI(Network Device Interface)-Out

The NDI-Out feature will be updated to be a per-meeting control.

ID:68836   Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Polls in Teams Meetings

Polls for Teams meetings is an easily discoverable and seamless experience that will help you conduct more engaging and productive meetings. With Polls, which is powered by Forms, meeting presenters can prepare, launch, and evaluate polls before, during, and after meetings, respectively, all from one place under a tab in the Teams meeting.

ID:68837   Tags: Forms, Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Meet Now from Outlook

You can now start an instant Teams meeting from the Calendar tab in Outlook Windows.

ID:68838   Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: December CY2020

Exchange: Customizable Message Expiration Timeout Interval for Exchange Online

We’re introducing the ability for email admins to customize the message expiration timeout interval to less than 24 hours.

ID:68839      Tags: Exchange – GCC High, DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Germany, GCC, Education   Release: December CY2020

Exchange: Update to Exchange Online Reply-All Storm Protection

This update will give admins the ability to customize the various thresholds and the reply block duration for their organization in regards to a reply-all storm. Additionally, we will provide insights and reports in the modern Exchange admin center for detected reply-all storms and,  information about the blocked replies.

ID:68840    Tags: Exchange – Education, GCC, Germany, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), DoD, GCC High   Release: March CY2021

Outlook for Windows: Editor

Based on Microsoft intelligent technology, Editor in Outlook will help with checking your spelling, identify optional grammar corrections and provide writing style suggestions while composing or replying to emails.

ID:71008   Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education, DoD, GCC High    Release: December CY2020

Outlook for Windows: Make all meetings online by default

Turn on the option to make every meeting an online meeting by default when the event is created in Outlook for Windows.

ID:71010    Tags: Outlook – GCC High, DoD, Education, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: December CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Show Weather in Calendar

Stay on top of what’s changing in the weather at a glance at your Outlook Calendar across multiple views based on your current location.

ID:71041    Tags: Outlook – GCC, Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), DoD, GCC High   Release: December CY2020

Outlook for iOS: Favorites for additional customers

Microsoft 365 US Government Community Cloud (GCC) customers with moderate and high security requirements, and the Department of Defense will be able to tag people, folders and groups as favorites.  These customers will be able to have the option to set their email notifications based on their preferences including only from their favorite people.

ID:72352   Tags: Outlook – GCC High, DoD, GCC   Release: October CY2020

Outlook for Android: Favorites for additional customers

Outlook for Android:  Microsoft 365 US Government Community Cloud (GCC) customers with moderate and high security requirements, and the Department of Defense will be able to tag people, folders and groups as favorites. These customers will be able to have the option to set their email notifications based on their preferences including only from their favorite people.

ID:72353    Tags: Outlook – GCC, DoD, GCC High   Release: October CY2020

 Yammer: Improvements to hashtags and topics

We are creating a sharper distinction between topics and hashtags in Yammer further differentiating these features so that topics power curation, management, and categorizing of knowledge, while hashtags will continue to be used to support campaigns and user expression.

ID:73251      Tags: Yammer – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)    Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Manage your meeting options in-meeting

Meetings organizers can now view and update meeting options within the in-meeting making it easier and faster to manage your meeting options during a meeting.

ID:73388    Tags: Microsoft Teams – GCC   Release: November CY2020

Rolling Out

Office 365 ATP Request Release workflow

We’ve added a way for end users to triage quarantined phish messages. We understand that managing false positives is important to ensuring email is delivered appropriately, and in the past, end users weren’t granted access to the quarantine to view messages. We’ve introduced an option to grant end users read-only access to the quarantine to view quarantined messages and request that an admin release messages to the inbox.

ID:62449    Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – GCC High, DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Germany Release: November CY2020

Quarantine – Custom Policy and Folder

Previously, quarantine behavior was configured through each individual filtering policy. To reduce complexity, we’ve moved new and existing quarantine parameters into a standalone Quarantine policy.

ID:62450     Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – Germany, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), DoD, GCC High   Release: November CY2020

Outlook for Android: Two way synchronization with local Calendar

Provides 2-way synchronization between the Outlook for Android calendar and users’ local device calendar. When enable, events created in the Outlook app can be viewed and/edited from other local calendar apps, and vice versa, events created in the local other calendar apps can be viewed and edited from within Outlook.

ID:63429     Tags: Outlook, Microsoft Intune – GCC High, DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: Kiosk mode privacy features are now available

Starting with Microsoft Edge version 87 we are enabling kiosk mode features that will help enterprises around the privacy of user data. The features will enable experience such as clear the user data on exit, delete the downloaded files and to reset the configured start experience after a specified amount of idle time.

ID:63970     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Lists – calendar view – built on SharePoint

Visualize any list with items that use date column information in a calendar view.

ID:64167     Tags: SharePoint – Germany, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Education, DoD, GCC High  Release: October CY2020

Office 365 ATP: Customization for Quarantine Notification and Alerts

With this update, tenant administrators will be able to add various customized components to quarantine notifications and alerts, such as an organization logo, a custom display name, and custom disclaimer.

ID:64781    Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, GCC High, DoD  Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: Single Sign On (SSO) now available for Azure Active Directory (AAD) accounts on down-level Windows

A user signed in on Microsoft Edge on down-level Microsoft Windows (7, 8, 8.1) will now get automatically signed into websites that are configured to allow single sign on with Work or School accounts (eg:,,

ID:66331     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Turn off text previews for chat notifications

Users can get more privacy by changing their settings to turn off message previews in chat notifications.

ID:66744     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, DoD, GCC High   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Custom Meeting Images

Admins will now be able to add a customer logo to the Teams experience, for display in the lobby and meeting pre-join experience. The logo will be displayed for meetings where the organizer has the Advanced Comms SKU.

ID:67113     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

SharePoint: Organization Chart Webpart

This webpart allows page authors to generate an organization chart based off of an individual. The page author will have the option to determine how many levels up this org chart goes.

ID:67131     Tags: SharePoint – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education  Release: October CY2020

SharePoint: new create list experience

With the introduction of Microsoft Lists, we introduced a new user interface when creating lists from the Lists home page and within Teams. You’ll now see this new experience when creating a new list from within a SharePoint site. Click New List and you’ll see the updated experience to create lists.

ID:67137     Tags: SharePoint – GCC High, DoD, GCC, Education, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Germany   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: meeting recordings saved to OneDrive and SharePoint

Ability to save Microsoft Teams meeting recordings to OneDrive and SharePoint for improved sharing capabilities, basic governance, automatic retention labels, go local, bring your own keys and, more that comes from recording video files and storing them in SharePoint and OneDrive.

ID:67138     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education   Release: November CY2020

Outlook: FindTime – Require Attendee Verification and Locking Poll for Attendees

By enabling these new options, attendees of a poll can be required to authenticate themselves before voting. Attendees can also be prevented from adding, removing, and editing other attendees; and can additionally be prevented from suggesting new time options.

ID:68699     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education    Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: Anchored text notes support for PDF files.

Starting with Microsoft Edge v. 87, users can add typed text notes on any piece of text on PDF files.

ID:69098     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: Automatically switch users to their WIP enabled profile for work sites that authenticate with their work account.

You have always been able to have Edge switch users automatically into their WIP enabled work profile for work sites by defining a site list. Starting with Microsoft Edge version 87, we provide the ability to switch sites that authenticate with your IDP without any site list configuration.

ID:69103     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: ClickOnce deployment enabled by default

ClickOnce will be enabled by default in Microsoft Edge 87, reducing the barriers for enterprises to deploy software and better aligning with legacy Microsoft Edge browser behavior. Starting in Microsoft Edge 87, the ClickOnceEnabled policy’s “Not configured” state will reflect the new default ClickOnce state of Enabled (as compared to the previous default state of Disabled).

ID:69952     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: The new version of the Enterprise new tab page (NTP) integrates productivity with customizable, work relevant feed content.

The new enterprise NTP blends the Office 365 productivity page we offer to users signed in with their work or school account with personalized, work-relevant company & industry feeds, organized in a single page. So not only will you recognize the familiar Office 365 content and Microsoft Search for Business powered by Bing, you can now also easily flip to a customizable “My Feed” with content and modules that are relevant to you, your company, or your industry, as well as a selection of other feeds that your organization has made available to you.

ID:72354     Tags: Microsoft Edge – GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Edge v.87: Reset your Microsoft Edge sync data in the cloud manually

We are introducing a way to reset your Microsoft Edge sync data from within the product. This ensures that your data is cleared from Microsoft services, as well as resolving certain product issues that previously required a support ticket.

ID:72361     Tags: Microsoft Edge – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020


Outlook for Android: Create Group calendar events

Create a Group event from Outlook for Android to appear on your Group calendar

ID:50307     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: December CY2019

Outlook for Android: Updated search experience on larger screens

The results from tapping Search in Outlook on a device with larger screens will be configured to optimize for the larger surface and show additional contacts, upcoming events and files in portrait and across 2 panes in landscape.

ID:53111     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2019

Outlook for Android: Support for POP3 accounts

Easily add a POP3 account to Outlook for Android.

ID:53293     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: September CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Accept a new proposed time to meet

Respond to a proposed new time to meet.

ID:53996     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: December CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Propose a new time to meet

Quickly reply to an event or meeting invitation with a new time proposal.

ID:53997     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2019

Outlook for Android: RSVP from email notification

RSVP to meeting invitations as soon as you receive them by expand the email notification from your lock screen to reveal RSVP buttons (Accept / Tentative / Decline).

ID:54019     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: December CY2019

Outlook for Android: Location, meeting time and the ability to RSVP in notifications

Expand your Outlook calendar notification to RSVP, see the location and meeting time.

ID:54391     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Location information in calendar notifications

Your event location and time are included in calendar notifications.

ID:54444     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2019

Outlook for iOS: Move messages to suggested folders

Effortlessly move emails to folders using Outlook folder suggestions

ID:54449     Tags: Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: June CY2019

Microsoft Search: Search scoping control

We’re adding support for more flexibility in Microsoft Search with SharePoint with support for search scoping controls in modern document libraries, lists for site, hub or organization wide.

ID:57098     Tags: Microsoft Search – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: December CY2020

Microsoft Search – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)

Provides customers the ability to declare items in SharePoint Online as regulatory items. These labels are more stringent label vs record labels. Targeted to Financial services or other industries who have WORM compliance requirements. Will update the Cohasset assessment to include SharePoint Online.

ID:63062     Tags: Microsoft 365 Admin Center – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: September CY2020

Office 365 ATP: External Email Forwarding Controls

External forwarding of email is a tactic used by attackers to exfiltrate data out of an organization and controlling that process is difficult. With this new feature we are adding support for more granular controls that allow the Office 365 administrators to easily enable external forwarding for the right people in the organization through the outbound spam policy. We are also moving to disable external forwarding by default so organizations are secure by default.

ID:63831     Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC High, DoD Release: October CY2020

Reverse Number Lookup Enhancements

In October 2019 we released Reverse Number Lookup to make it easier to identify the caller. With these latest enhancements, the Telco display name will now also show up in your Activity Feed, Call History, and Voicemail.

ID:64405     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Priority Notifications in Gov Clouds

Share urgent messages and time-sensitive information more effectively with Teams. Priority notifications alert a recipient of an urgent message on their mobile and desktop devices until a response is received, every two minutes for up to 20 minutes. IT Admins can manage this feature as part of messaging policies in Teams.

ID:64689     Tags: Microsoft Teams – DoD, GCC High, GCC  Release: October CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Enhancements to the Threat Protection Status Report

The additions to the Threat Protection Status Report will  help educate customers about the effect their configurations have on their security posture. We’re adding an Override Allows view on the Threat Protection Status report to show customers threats that were allowed in due to configurations they’ve made, allowing customers to evaluate the effectiveness of their configuration and address any unintentional gaps in their protection.

ID:64912     Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – All environments, GCC High, DoD, Germany, GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)    Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams – Live Captions with speaker attribution

Teams already provides live captions as a way to follow along with what is being said in the meeting, we’re also adding speaker attribution so captions will specify who is speaking.

ID:65949     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: October CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection: Enabling export of security reports

We’re adding the ability to export many of our security reports, including, but not limited to: Threat protection status report, mail flow status report, top malware, spoof detections, top senders and recipients, Office 365 ATP file types, URL protection report, and more.

ID:66360     Tags: Security and Compliance center, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – DoD, GCC High, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC, Germany Release: September CY2020

Office 365 Advanced Thread Protection: Quarantine filtering

Admins will soon be able to filter the quarantine by policy type or policy name, showing just the items quarantined by each policy.

ID:66361     Tags: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: July CY2020

Teams: Updated functionality for downloading participant reports in Teams meetings

Meeting organizers, especially teachers and event organizers, often need to know who joined and how many people joined their Teams meetings. With new enhancements, we’ll allow you to download the report after the meeting within the Meeting Chat. We’ve also added new data into the report that allows you to better manage your attendance.

ID:66459     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education  Release: September CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Manage your meeting options in-meeting

Meetings organizers can now view and update meeting options within the in-meeting making it easier and faster to manage your meeting options during a meeting.

ID:67121   Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Education   Release: October CY2020

Outlook: Outlook on the web Project Moca (preview) for World Wide Multi-Tenant

Project MOCA in Outlook is a new way to organize items such as emails, tasks, links, files in a visual way. Items are synced across Microsoft 365.

ID:67162     Tags: Exchange, Outlook – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Meeting transfers and companion devices

End users can transfer meetings between mobile, desktop, and web, and add another device as a companion to their meeting.

ID:67176     Tags: Microsoft Teams – GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020

Planner: Use Dark Mode in Planner Mobile

Use your system’s dark settings or enable Planner’s dark settings to view Planner Mobile in dark mode.

ID:68083     Tags: Planner – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)   Release: October CY2020

Microsoft 365 compliance center: Auto-apply retention labels for Teams meeting recordings

With the storage of Teams meeting recordings moving to SharePoint and OneDrive, you can utilize the rich retention capabilities available in these platforms to manage the retention and deletion of meeting recordings. Support is also being added for automatic labeling capabilities to apply different retention periods or immutability to Teams meeting recording files, separated from the rest of your OneDrive and SharePoint files.

ID:68689     Tags: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Compliance center – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: November CY2020

Microsoft Teams: ARM 64 Native Teams App

We will soon release a native ARM64 Teams client that provides improved performance and reliability on ARM devices.

ID:68725     Tags: Microsoft Teams – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020

Microsoft Teams: Changes in Incoming IP Video policy (New Audio and Video Policies)

We are updating our meeting policies to allow IT administrators more control over how video is managed in Teams Meetings. Current policy can only be set to prevent outgoing video. We are extending the Allow IP Video policy to prevent both outgoing and incoming video as needed. Tenant administrators can use this policy to manage bandwidth. This item has been updated to reflect changes to the original plan.

ID:68948     Tags: Microsoft Teams – GCC  Release: October CY2020


Automapping on Mailbox Full Access

[This feature has been postponed and will be removed.] Customers can enable automapping when assigning Full Access permissions to cross-premises mailboxes in an Exchange Hybrid deployment.

ID:33006   Tags: Exchange – Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2020

Exchange: Block Sending to Groups on BCC Line

[This is a duplicate of 67096 and will be pulled off the roadmap] Have you ever created an inbox rule to move incoming messages sent to a Distribution List (DL) you’re on to a specific folder? But then you discover that some senders will add the DL to the BCC line so the rule (for privacy reasons) is ignored and the message lands in your Inbox instead? Ugh! Yep, some of our Transport developers had that happen to them too – and they decided to do something about it. They added the ability to configure a DL or group to reject (NDR) messages when the DL is on the BCC line. It’s been a big hit within Microsoft, and now we’re making it available to Exchange Online customers! We plan to expose this setting to email admins (for DLs) and group owners (for Microsoft 365 Groups).

ID:67178     Tags: Exchange – GCC High, DoD, Education, GCC, Germany, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)  Release: December CY2020